About me

I’m Juha Aaltonen. I work as a development engineer (M.Sc.) at the Freshwater Centre of Finnish Environment Institute SYKE. I’m specialized in floods, lake regulation and water resources in general. I provide expert services and develop and/or research things as my title suggests 🙂

This is my  personal site to open up certain topics I’m not able to squeeze into tweets and to share tips, tricks, presentations and other things I think might be interesting to others as well. Because sharing is caring.

I started my career in 2003 with hydraulic  modelling and flood mapping and that is still my favourite subject. At the moment my interest is to take care of uncertainties related to a hydraulic modelling project. I prefer HEC-RAS and I have been spreading the gospel of HEC-RAS in national training events for over 10 years. I have also been lucky to be able to give some courses to fellow modellers in Bolivia, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Georgia, Latvia and Peru. Please make contact if you wish to receive further information or there are some topics you would like to be covered.